Letter to the editor - 3/24/2022


Dear Editor,

After almost a month of listening to and watching Biden and his band of incompetent morons; I have to ask: what are they trying to do? They embarrass themselves almost daily with nonsense and rambling answers to questions from the press. When Biden is not being the absent minded professor his VP Harris is laughing and giggling in front of the world. The two of them make the three stooges look like professionals.

Since Obama drew a line in the sand and then did not back up the United States has slowly deteriorated until it is loosing leadership and respect from the the rest of the world. Biden has shown absolutely no leadership. He has shown no courage. Listen to him today as he makes excuses for not giving airplanes from Poland to Unkraine. “Putin may say we escalted” he whines. We cannot supply air cover because “Puten may say we are escalting”. Since when does America sit back and let the enemy make the rules of war?

Putin is a not a fool. He is a professional trained to study his enemies. He senses we will not act due to fear of war with him. Just like what happened with Roosevelt in World War II. He refused to join in the war against Hitler. Then, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and Hitler declared war on America four days later. Roosevelt would have sat back and watched Hitler destroy England..

We need to quit playing with our belly button and understand we have enemies that want nothing more than to destroy us. China is watching! North Korea is watching! Iran is watching! They are observing the weakness and fear Biden shows with his cowering down to Putin in Ukraine. Trouble is growing just over the horizon.

Noel Ison

Walterboro, S.C.