
For the Press and Standard

Dear Editor,

I am troubled. It seems our nation, especially in some cities, is experiencing lawlessness. Those in authority sometimes choose to look the other way, refuse to prosecute, and free criminals from prison only to often have them re-offend. Those same authorities beseech citizens to be their eyes and ears and offer the ability to anonymously submit tips.

My experience has been different. I have submitted multiple tips to Crime Stoppers about a certain house with an obvious drug selling operation. Months tick by without any acknowledgment or action. I privately contacted select leaders and still the clock ticks, the customers arrive, knock on the door, conduct their transaction, and quickly depart. Sometimes there’s a waiting line. The customers are not the type of people most of us are going to invite home to dinner or want in our respective neighborhoods. Many are obvious addicts that need help.

Now I have to put myself in harm’s way by engaging publicly. I thought my time of doing so ended after my 21 year military career. It seems some leaders are turning a blind eye, but I will not. Harm is being caused to those that live on that street.

It seems Walterboro is but a reflection of a larger problem in our country. What is a population to do when the anonymous tools offered are not used? Few of our hard working neighbors are going to risk being visible in this situation and I don’t blame them.

What does it take to get an obvious and long-term problem addressed? Preferably while remaining invisible. We Americans are better than this. We elect leaders and appoint leaders to have a stiff spine and lead by doing the right thing, especially when circumstances are tough.

Scott M. Kelly