Happy New Year!! Reading the Bible through with me? Then read 2 Samuel 1-3. In David’s ode to Saul and Jonathan, he mentions in 1:22 that the shield of Saul was no longer anointed with oil. Mark Partin, in his book Everyday Strength writes: “Saul fought twelve wars. Eleven times he was mostly victorious. But in this last battle, all hope was abandoned in his soul and his shield was not anointed. The shield was the most important piece of armor. It was several layers of animal hides and leather. It had to be kept supple to prevent hardening. A hardened shield was a weak shield because arrows could penetrate it.” Do not miss this detail! Ephesians 6:16 speaks of our shield of faith with which we can quench the fiery darts of the evil one. It might be the most important piece of armor. We keep our shield of faith supple with God’s anointing every time we spend time in God’s presence through prayer and His word. Every time the Spirit calls you aside and you resist, it hardens your shield a bit and makes your more susceptible to attack. It is why Jesus, in His last night with His disciples, spoke to them of the importance of abiding in Him. He said, “I am the Vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in Me and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.” He also said, “When you produce much fruit, you prove to be My disciples. This brings much glory to My Father.” That is our purpose as followers of Jesus. We are redeemed and live to bring glory to the Father. See Matthew 5:16 and John 15:5, 8. Are you keeping your Shield of Faith supple by spending time alone with God daily? Are you striving to abide in Christ so you can produce fruit that glorifies the Father? If not, there is no better time to start than RIGHT NOW!!