It is All about God’s Plan


Reading the Bible through with me? Then grab your journal and pen and read 1 Chronicles 22-24. The one thing that King David always wanted to do was to build a Temple for Yahweh. See 22:7-9. That task would fall to his son, Solomon. It was Yahweh’s decision. So, rather than being resentful, David chose to do everything within his power to prepare Solomon and all of Israel for the task ahead. He secured materials and skilled laborers, he prayed for them, and encouraged them. Years after David’s death, when the Temple was completed on the threshing floor of Araunah (Yes, that same place where God’s judgement was halted by a penitent David who said “I will never offer anything to Yahweh that cost me nothing) and the Ark of Yahweh was placed in the Holy of Holies, the smoke that was the Shekinah - the Glory of God filled the place. It was a job fulfilled and well done.

When we are humble, submissive, and obedient to God, His purpose will be accomplished. Our responsibility is to trust and obey, regardless of whether we see or even know His desired outcomes. David knew that God’s chosen outcome was a Temple on Hebron. But throughout the Old Testament, there were those who trusted God even when they did not know where God was taking them or what was going to happen. Such was the case for Abram when Yahweh called him from Ur. It was because of his faith and obedience that God reckoned him to be righteous.

What does this mean? It is simple really. We live in a consumer culture and that applies even to church. So many of attend church, worship God, pray, and work through a checkoff list of disciplines to gain something(s) from God. The problem is that we are NOT working within a limited time and budget. We are just a small part of a Divine eternal plan, and we might not see the fruition of that plan in our lifetime. But when trust, submit and obey, we realize that God might be using us to help prepare our children, the next pastor, or those we disciple to accomplish purposes after our departure. Do YOUR part to fulfill God’s eternal plan. The success of others depends on your faithfulness.

Google the names of Jim Elliot and Nate Saint and read the story of those men and their three friends. It will inspire you!