Walterboro Police Department
The Walterboro Police Department currently of dedicated and certified law enforcement officers. The department is led by longtime Chief Wade Marvin and Assistant Chief Kevin Martin. The men and women of the Walterboro Police Department are committed to the philosophy of community-oriented policing and striving to build partnerships in our community.
It is the mission of the Walterboro Police Department to devote resources to the task of preserving peace and order, preventing fires, protecting life and property, and the vigorous enforcement of all laws in a fair and impartial manner. We strive to treat all people with respect, fairness, and compassion. Our officers are determined to serve as a deterrent to crime, develop relationships with community groups, residential and business organizations, and promote an environment receptive to tourism and visitors. The department has a tradition of commitment to the community and all of those who visit, shop, and conduct business in the City of Walterboro.
Walterboro Police Department’s commitment to our community is embodied by the dedication and professionalism of the men and women of the Walterboro Police Department. These officers have a deep and abiding interest in the welfare and quality of life of the citizens of Walterboro.
Colleton County Fire Rescue
Colleton County Fire-Rescue was created in 1994. Since its inception, the goals set forth for this agency have been exceeded many times.
From improving responses, saving lives, providing Fire and Life Safety Education, to expanding coverage into rural communities, and providing Emergency Medical Care and Transportation. The unselfish teamwork of our volunteer firefighters and career personnel, past and present, has allowed us to accomplish these many tasks. Without their dedication, the successes of the last two decades would not have been possible.
CCFR has had the pleasure of working with a committed group of individuals and agencies that spans every aspect of this community.
Colleton County Fire-Rescue is a progressive organization, comprised of an enthusiastic group of team members with the desire to serve others. The countywide agency was created when 16 former volunteer fire departments were abolished and then came together again to form this countywide agency.
Through a progressive local government, Fire-Rescue has experienced tremendous growth since 2002. Coverage has been extended to many rural communities through the construction of new fire stations. Suppression duties were assumed within three municipalities and countywide ALS / Paramedic Level Emergency Medical Transport (Ambulance) responsibility was assigned in March of 2004. All career staff members are cross-trained as Firefighter IIs and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT, Advanced or Paramedic), an effort that significantly improved operations for the citizens.
Colleton County Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Buddy Hill has been serving in law enforcement for thirty-one years with the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office. He is a native of Colleton County and a graduate from Walterboro High School (k/n/a Colleton County High School). Hill’s entire career has been with the Sheriff’s Office. He started out in the uniform patrol division, then he moved to investigations and narcotics, and from there he worked in civil process, and has some experience in jail work. Hill has seen a lot of advancement in technology and the day-to-day operations of the Sheriff’s Office. When he first started, they carried six-shot revolvers and now they carry semi-automatic handguns. They’ve gone from revolving blue lights to halogen flashing lights. Handwritten reports have now been replaced by computer reports and the filing cabinets for those reports are a thing of the past. 911 has also been a big advancement in law enforcement allowing for quicker response times to scenes. Along with advancements in technology and equipment the need for personnel has increased as well. As Sheriff his role is more in management, but his experience in all facets of the Sheriff’s Office is invaluable in his current role.
Walterboro Fire Department
Established in 1869, Walterboro Fire Department is one of the most challenging and interesting places to work or volunteer. It has great rewards of self-satisfaction and accomplishment. The dedicated career fire-fighters work a twenty-four hour rotation and are off for a forty-eight hour period. The volunteers and career officers respond to calls by pager alert and can be called upon at any time in response to fires, auto accidents, and to assist other fire departments. All officers are State certified and average 11 years of experience with the City. Because of Walterboro Fire Department’s hard work and commitment to excellence the City of Walterboro enjoys an ISO rating of class “3.”
Walterboro Fire Department also conducts proactive, aggressive inspections that enforce the fire and life safety codes from City ordinances and State statutes. We provide ongoing inspections to all businesses in the City. The inspections are performed unannounced and are made according to current fire and life safety codes. We are also dedicated to training and the safety of our firefighters.
Walterboro Fire Department is also committed to education and the demonstration of fire prevention and safety. There is an ongoing commitment to reduce fire-related deaths and injuries in the City of Walterboro. The officers go to any location where they can address the need to educate the public on fire prevention and safety, including schools, daycare centers, churches, and civic groups. The Fire Station is another resource for education. Groups may visit the fire station with an opportunity to see a demonstration of protective clothing and air packs used during firefighting.