Grow Old; It’s Okay


Some people fear growing old. I can understand. Aches and pains are there, we lose our good looks, and we have trouble remembering why we went into the kitchen and what we were looking for.

But aging happens to everyone and it’s how a person adapts to it that makes all the difference. We can sit down, feel sorry for ourselves, and wait to die. Or we can enjoy being retired, take time out to “smell the roses”, and do things we never had time to do in our busy, hectic lives when we were younger.

The last thing we should do is try to recapture our youth. It can’t happen. It’s impossible to do so don’t fight it.

Recently I heard from a distraught mother of a teenaged daughter. Her daughter was attractive, smart and worked at a local business. Unfortunately, the young girl was constantly propositioned by men who came to the store.

No, these weren’t boys from her high school. No, these weren’t college aged boys who wanted a date. These were married men, old enough to be her father and even her grandfather.

Now, I feel it is time to impart some information about young girls.

First, they all dream of meeting Prince Charming. Just like in every fairy tale, he is tall, handsome, and wants to rescue her. But never in those fairy tales is he gray headed with a beer gut.

Second, girls want someone young and cute to take to their prom or go out with friends. In no way do they ever hope to date a man who is losing hair and is married. Do men really think girls want to take an older man to the prom, dragging his wife and kids along?

Third, they all dream of being a bride, wearing the white dress, veil, and all the works. They want to get married. So take that as a warning.

Next, young girls are seldom interested in older men. If they are interested, they usually have a “daddy” issue and will be clingy. Remember the movie “Fatal Attraction”? It’s a horror movie in the making. Or it could be she wants a lot of money. In her eyes, a man who is desperate enough to ask a teen out on a date is easy pickings. She could play the innocent, ask him to buy her stuff, and when he said no, threaten to tell his wife. And with today’s social media available…Think about it.

Last, there are 24 hours in a day. If sex was that important in life, it would last a lot longer than 15 minutes or less.

So why in the world would an older man ask a young girl to go to a motel out of town? In one ridiculous situation, he actually said, “We can go out of town if you don’t want anyone to know about us”. What he meant was, “We can go out of town so my wife won’t know.”

And for crying out loud, what would the two have in common? Wouldn’t there be any conversation at all? Let’s face it, young girls are chatty. They would want to talk about who was dating whom in school, a movie they wanted to see, the newest fashions, their nails, and Sam Hunt’s music, or Ariana Grande’s latest video. Would an older man find any of that remotely interesting? Would he even know who those musicians are?

What would he be able to add to the discussion? How he just got his muffler fixed? His oldest child needs braces? His granddaughter just had a dance recital? His wife was harassing him to get a hearing aid? He needed to see the doctor for his prostate?

Why would older men want to sleep with 16 year old girls? Maybe they heard stories about how wonderful sex could be with a young girl. But remember, those are just STORIES. They are in no way true. Young girls are inexperienced, fearful, inhibited, and easily grossed out. The amount of hair in older men’s ears and noses would certainly gross them out.

Most older men probably feel that it would be a boost to the old ego to be seen with a young girl, but remember, the two would have to be seen…in public. That would bring a host of problems for them right there. And remember how we all laugh at the term “cougar” when referring to an older woman dating a younger man? Guess what…an older man with a young girl is called a “Manther”. That’s even funnier.

So give it up. Stop collecting blue pills. Go outside and play with friends your own age. A young girl is not going to prevent aging or help anyone return to the days of their youth. There is nothing wrong with growing old. Stop being so fearful of it. If you’re bored with routine, get a hobby. Find something to do that doesn’t involve destroying the life of a young girl.

Ladies, it takes effort to keep a marriage strong and a man from straying. Find an outlet for you both. Fix yourself up and put on some makeup. Like my momma says, “Every barn needs a little paint.” Go to church together. Nothing helps a straying man more than a good sermon about adultery.

So what advice did I give to the young girl? Next time an older man asks you out, tell him you need to call his wife and your mother to make sure it’s okay. Or better yet, tell him you will call him, get his phone number, then go home and give it to your mom or dad.