God Cares About You


Every person faces a challenging situation at some point in life. Some challenges are merely day-to-day frustrations, some are overwhelming, and a few are life changing. As a pastor, I have helped many face challenges that threatened to overwhelm them. Here are a few I have helped with or heard about over the years:

· Dealing with the death of a loved one.

· Initiating a divorce or finding one’s spouse is seeking one.

· Learning that either we or a family member has a terminal illness.

· Discovering we are losing our job.

· Helping someone work through suicidal thoughts.

Every situation is difficult and each of us responds in our own way. For some, having the courage to ask for help is nearly as frightening as facing our own issues. Asking for help can be awkward since for many, words do not come easily. Tragically many suffer in silence even though help is nearer than they imagine.

If you have ever been deeply depressed, you understand my point. Depression can easily rob us of our perspective and convince us to give up even when we know we should keep going.

I recently listened to best-selling author, Richard Paul Evans’ fictional series, The Walk. Evans wrote this incredibly insightful statement in the second book of his series, Miles to Go. “It’s almost as difficult to believe that someone with so many trials could harbor such hope, as that there are those with so much advantage who harbor such hopelessness.”

While some hang on to hope with amazing tenacity, unfortunately, many believe their situation is hopeless when it is not. They feel no one, including God himself cares for them and conclude their only option is to give up.

They fail to realize God wants to help them even if they do not feel he does. I love how a Bible passage which reveals God’s commitment to those who cry out to him, even if they are unsure how to express their prayer for his help. “…we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” (Romans 8:26, NLT, bold is my emphasis)

Amazingly, even when you and I are unsure how to pray, God intercedes for us. No matter how hopeless we believe our situation, God cares about us and wants to help. Regardless of the challenges and overwhelming frustrations of our harshest realities, we can take heart because our situation is never as hopeless as it may feel. God wants to assist us for no matter what challenges we face, he remains committed to helping us.