Do What He Says -#29


Are you reading the Bible through with me? Grab your pen and journal, and get ready to write your thoughts as you journey through the Bible.

Today, read Exodus 39-40. After Yahweh (the Hebrew name for God) gave meticulous instructions as to how the tabernacle would be constructed (including the furnishings and priestly garments), Moses then supervised and inspected every aspect of it along the way. Time and again we see these words: “(They) did everything just as the Lord commanded.”

When it was completed, and the Israelite craftsmen had been strictly obedient, the Cloud, or the shekinah (shekeena) glory of Yahweh, covered the tent which served as their wilderness church, and filled the Tabernacle.

We would do well to remember that to experience God’s glory, we must be humble, available and strictly obedient to His direction. If you’re not hearing the voice of God, ask yourself: Have I been strictly obedient to the last thing God told me to do? If not, why would God reveal anything new to you?

The Ark represented the presence of the Holy One, the Sovereign God of all. No sinner could stand in the presence of God’s holiness. Once a year, He allowed the High Priest to enter that Holy of Holies to offer the sacrifice for atonement of the sins of the people. For anyone to enter at any other time would be instantaneous death.

Here is another interesting note. The High Priest wore bells on his robe. When the bells rang, the people knew that God was present in the Holy of Holies with the priest. A rope was tied around the priest’s ankle in case something happened, and he died while in God’s presence. Since no one was allowed in the Holy of Holies, just the priest, no one would be able to go in and retrieve the body. So the rope enabled the people to drag the priest out if necessary.

Write in your journals ways in which you have been obedient to God, but then list ways in which you have been disobedient. Pray over each instance of disobedience, ask for forgiveness, then draw a line through each one. They are erased in God’s mind. Work hard to constantly add to your obedient list and honor the Lord.

Pray: Adonai, my Lord and Master, when You speak to me through Your word or by Your Spirit, my responsibility is to quickly and strictly obey. Forgive me for those times I have not been faithful and obedient. I want to be used by You any way You desire to use me, wherever You might want me, and however You choose to do it. Beginning today, I will be quick to trust You and do all that You command me.