COVID–19… is God saying something? | Faith


Anytime there is a rampant disease or natural disaster, one of the things you hear people saying is, “Do you think God is trying to tell us something?” They may go so far as to say, “This is the Judgment of God!”

First of all, the good news is that God is still on speaking terms with humanity. Secondly, you can be sure that every time God has spoken, there has been no doubt whatsoever about what He had to say!

I personally believe the Bible to be true and the evident fact is that humanity has provoked their Creator on many occasions. By moralizing and legalizing that which God has condemned, we as a country have repeatedly provoked God Almighty and have seemingly “dared” Him to respond. Our national and local views on the murder of unborn children, same-sex marriage, alcohol consumption, drug abuse, adultery, pornography, pre-marital sex, along with many more sins have certainly given God a reason to respond with judgement.

While the “coronavirus” outbreak pales in comparison to some of the judgment plagues God has sent in the past, we can certainly take the opportunity to get things right with God and give Him Glory with our lives and in our community before He has to do something drastic!

God’s terms have always been the same, and they are simple…repent and turn your life over to Him. God loves us and wants to have a relationship with each and every one of us. We must personally receive the truth concerning our condition as a sinner and from there, turn to God for forgiveness and salvation. Whether God is “sending” the coronavirus as a judgment or not, you can take advantage of the God-given opportunity to turn away from your life of sin and turn to the Saviour, Jesus Christ, today! Jesus Christ is the Son of God and has given Himself to be your personal Saviour. Jesus died in your place, paying for all your sins. He died, was buried and rose from the dead to prove that He is God’s Son and will be your Lord and Saviour, if you will turn to Him and by faith believe on Him. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins and to save your soul. Turn your life over to Him and believe that He alone can and will save you today!

In the meantime, what should we be doing as churches to protect and help prevent the spread of this uncertain sickness? I have taken the counsel of those who have studied this sickness and who are more qualified to advise us on the situation, and have decided to implement several precautions in our congregation.

1. If you have symptoms, feel free to stay home. We offer church online every service anyway, so you don’t have to miss the regular church service —

2. Frequent handwashing is advised and encouraged, using anti-bacterial soap.

3. Hand sanitizers are recommended and even available

4. Do not feel obligated to shake hands (I currently only shake hands out of habit.)

5. Give people their space — if someone feels “funny” about your apparent symptoms, don’t get your feelings hurt, respect them and move on.

Church is not meant to be a place of anxiety or fear, but a place of prayer and peace. This too shall pass, and then we can all be thankful that it lasted only the amount of time it did, and we can get back to a better approach to health and to the God who created us for His glory. We ought to be well aware that He is in control and whatever happens is His doing. It would be in our very best interest to turn to Him today and begin a path of repentance concerning our national, local and even personal sinful ways.

Or visit an upcoming service at Faith Baptist Church,”the church on the hill.”

Let me know if you have trusted Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. Leave a comment below.

God Bless!

See you in church!

(Pastor Jones can be reached by email Follow him on Twitter @PastorTonyJones or visit an upcoming service at Faith Baptist Church … “The Church on the Hill.”)