Colleton County Council held is regularly scheduled meeting on October 1st. After a call to order by Chairman Steven Murdaugh, the meeting began with an invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting minutes were approved for August 27th.
Council recognized the first responders, utility workers, and public works employees for everything they did during the recent storms.
The Adminstrator’s Report was read by Deputy County
Administrator Megan Utsey the report included information on the recovery from the storms including an update on power outages, debris drop-off, disaster loan outreach center for Hurricane Debby. There was also a question posed by the new owners of Wood Brothers store in regards to resolution 24-R-56.
The Council held public hearings on the ordinance to Change the name of Colleton County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs to Colleton Cares. There was no public input at the hearing.
After the Public Hearings the Council took up the matters in the Public Hearing & addressed in Old Business. The 3rd Reading was held on Ordinance 24-O-09, This ordinance will Change the name of Colleton County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs to Colleton Cares. The 3rd reading passed unanimously.
Council held the 2nd reading of Ordinance 24-O-12, This ordinance will ratify FY-24 Grant and Budget Resolutions and related appropriations for all funds. As read, this will ratify and transfer other resolutions previously authorized by County Council and other related matters. This resolution passed unanimously.
Council took up 2nd reading of ordinance 24-O-13, This authorizes the execution and delivery of a Fee-In-Lieu of Tax Agreement between Colleton County and a Company know as Project Ironsides to be a part of the Multi County Industrial/Business Park. This resolution passed unanimously.
Council also heard 2nd reading of Ordinance 24-O-14, This authorizes the rezoning of a 12.1-acre parcel located of Oswald Court, TMS 131-16-00-114, from Residential Suburban to Urban Development. This also passed unanimously.
The council then took up new business including appointing George Welch to the Colleton County Grievance Committee, and moving the November Council meeting to November 12th to take the meeting away from election day.
Council also took it up resolution 24-R-54 authorized the acceptance of for budgeting of various grants for FY 2024-2025.
In additional action Resolution 24-R-55 allowed the county to surplus unused and unneeded vehicles and equipment. This authorizes the sale in accordance with county policy.
Finally, Resolution 24-R-56 certified property located at 8446 Ace Basin Parkway in Green Pond as an abandoned building site.
During the public comment session, Superintendent Jessica Williams introduced two TCTC students Lexi Smith and Jamel Collins to speak about the TCTC program and also recognized teachers in attendance at the meeting.
County Council went into a 1 hour 5 minute executive session to get information on Economic Development matters and a personnel matter. Council adjourned with no action taken.
The next Colleton County Council meeting will be held on November 12th.