Community Prayer Vigil Planned by Student Groups


Colleton County, I have something very important to share with you, so I kindly ask you to read this entire article with an open mind. Once again, there have been several acts of violence that have occurred in our county, and citizens are very concerned. Some student groups, led by Ms. Sonya Stephens, are planning a Community Prayer Vigil on February 2, 2025, 4:00 p.m., at the Civic Center on Hampton Street in Walterboro, SC. These young people want to bring together this county in an effort to let their voices be heard on this growing problem, so please come out to support them. They are depending on pastors and their congregations, along with community leaders, elected officials, educators, school board members, law enforcement, other students, parents, etc., to lead the way to make this effort successful. In order to help alleviate this problem, it is going to take a unified community; therefore, everyone is invited. Colleton County, thank you in advance for your support. For more information, please contact Ms. Sonya Stephens at 843-909-4991 or