CCSD holds celebration marking substantial improvement


Thursday, November 7, the Colleton County School District celebrated their incredible achievements regarding the State of South Carolina School Report Cards. Superintendent Jessica Williams, was ecstatic to announce that for the first time in five years, Colleton County had no schools in the unsatisfactory category. Some schools improved as far as two categories and there were some schools that missed improving their scores by tenths of a point. The purpose of the event was to highlight the extremely important and hard won achievements of the schools, the principals, the teachers, and the students for this notable achievement.

Special guests for the evening included South Carolina State Superintendent of Schools Ellen Weaver with Monique Smalls and Phillip Cease, Mayor Bill Young, Colleton County School Board of Trustees members, Colleton County Council Members Steve Murdaugh and Phillip Taylor, and a PAC Center full of school teachers and administrators who filled the auditorium with cheers of accomplishment and happiness.

Schools receiving Honorable Mentions during the ceremony were: Bells Elementary for School Report Card Improvement, Northside Elementary for Average Student Progress Indicator on School Report Card, Colleton County Middle School for Average School Climate Indicator on School Report Card, Black Street Early Childhood Center for providing foundational support for the CCSD Report Card Ratings, Forest Hills Elementary School for improving by 8 points achieving an Average School Report Card Rating, Cottageville Elementary School for increasing overall points by 2, an overall rating of Average, and a Average Rating for the Student Progress Indicator, Colleton County High School increased 4 points achieving a Below Satisfactory Rating, Thunderbolt Career and Technology Center for Support for School Report Card Improvement, Hendersonville increased 16 points on their report card rating and achieved an Average Rating, and Colleton County Academy For Success for Providing Support for CCMS and CCHS Report Card Ratings.

The overarching theme of the night was to absolutely celebrate the wonderful achievements of the school district. However, the challenge was given to keep moving in that forward direction; to keep striving for improvement to make Colleton County School District the district that “will prepare every student to graduate with a 21st century education to be globally competitive for their chosen college and/or career path” and to “be a world-class school system that ensures all students achieve at high levels” while “preparing every child today for tomorrow.”

“It’s all about the kids. The time is now!”