CCDS receives federal funds


The Colleton County School District receives federal funds. According to federal regulations, private and church schools that serve Colleton County students may be eligible for federal funding from the following programs:

ϒ Title I, Part A supplements existing funding for economically disadvantaged students through the school they are attending.   

ϒ Title I, Part C – Migrant Education supplements students of families from other countries traveling to seek employment.

ϒ Title II provides limited supplemental funding for staff development.  

ϒ Title III is designed to improve the education of limited English proficient (LEP) children and youths by helping them learn English.  

ϒ Title IV supplements funding for technology, well rounded and safe schools.

ϒ Title V supplements funding for rural, low-income districts.

ϒ McKinney Vento supplements funding for students experiencing homelessness.

ϒ Immigrant supplements funding for students of families who may be seeking permanent residence or asylum.

ϒ IDEA is designed to improve the education of children with disabilities during the design and development of special education and related services.

Updates to the Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER) are issued as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 will also be provided.

Private and church schools interested in more information should contact Dr. Vanessa Nelson-Reed, director of federal programs, by Friday Jan. 29. Private and church schools interested in participating should call to confirm their intentions and plan to attend a virtual meeting with school district officials on Monday Feb. 1 at 10 am.  

For more information, call 843-782-4522.