A Place to Meet Him


If you read Exodus 31, it tells you how God gave to many men of Israel the gift of craftsmanship for building the tabernacle and all the furnishings. He also gave them instructions for keeping the Sabbath holy. Then, God gave to Moses a new set of stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the Old Covenant. Take note of that last line of the chapter. Th tablets were “Inscribed by the finger of God.”

Chapter 32 tells the tragic story of Israel’s ongoing bent toward rebellion and sin. They, unlike Moses, were unwilling to wait on God. They grew impatient because Moses had been so long on the mountain. They urged Aaron to create a visible god for them and from there, we have the story of the golden calf. Their sin was grievous. But the highlight of this chapter is Moses’ intercession for his people. God loves intercessors. Notice in 32:32 that Moses’ intervention included a willingness to sacrifice himself for his rebellious people. “Now if You would only forgive their sin. But if not, please erase me from the book You have written.” Some foreshadowing of God’s intervention for us when He sent His only Son to sacrifice Himself.

Chapter 33 reveals the Tent of Meeting – a place established to meet with God. Do you have one? Verse 11 is one of the most beautiful in Scripture. “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks with his friend.” Are you meeting with God daily, looking into His word, listening for His voice, and quickly obeying what He reveals to you? It is never too late to start!