The Beginning of Something Miraculous


And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

Mark 1:4

Before Jesus began His earthly ministry, John the Baptist took up the purpose of preparing the hearts of the people by preaching repentance. I have always thought that repentance was feeling bad for what you have done wrong, but repentance is much more than that. Repentance is realizing what you did was so wrong, you never want to do that wrong thing again. Repentance is wanting to change the direction of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Repentance is the beginning of what the Bible calls being “born again” (John 3), or a new heart that wants to follow after God.

It’s easy to feel bad for what you did one minute, and after a while, go right back to what you know is wrong. Repentance is deeper. I think God leads us to places of repentance, and in these wonderful moments, we can choose to embrace repentance and turn from our wrongdoing or we can harden our hearts until we don’t feel bad anymore. When we repent of our wrong, we turn from our sins and turn toward God. Repenting of our sins and believing in Jesus are the steps that lead us to a relationship with God. Won’t you ask God to lead you close to him today?

Heavenly Father, thank You for those moments of conviction that remind me when I’ve done wrong in Your eyes. Thank You for keeping my heart tender and sensitive to Your Spirit. Help me to never harden my heart against You and Your voice. Lead me into repentance for my wrongdoing, and in repentance let me experience the wonderful grace of Jesus Christ who died for my sins. Thank You for forgiving me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.