Tank the Tiger

Education Corner


This month’s animal is Tank, a Siberian Tiger. Tank is roughly 10 years old. Siberian Tigers also known as the Amur Tiger is the largest cat in the world and have a lifespan of around 25 years. Tank fluctuates between 600 and 630 pounds, depending on the time of year and diet. He typically eats between 17 and 22 pounds of meat a day. In the wild they eat elk, boar, bear, and deer. They also hunt smaller animal such as rabbits, pikas, and fish. Siberian tigers differ from other tigers because they have fewer stripes and have thick fur around their neck know as a mane. The stripe patterns on each tiger is different, just like human fingerprints.  Stripes help tigers stay hidden in dense forests when hunting food. The fur on their paws act as extra protection from the cold during the winter months and their large padded feet give them the ability to silently stalk prey. They use their 4 inch claws to grasp and capture prey. The claws are retractable and also used as a form of communication to mark their territory.

Siberian tigers originate in the southeast region of Russia, as well as China and North Korea. Due to their size and strength they have no natural predators. There are thought to be less than 500 Siberian tigers left in the wild today. Habitat loss and poaching are affecting their population. Siberian tigers are endangered because of the world’s growing population and they don’t coexist well outside of captivity with humans.

Tank came to Bee City from a zoo that was up north that was going to shut down. The owner started calling out looking for place that would be a new home for Tank.

Tank is an impressive animal; he is eight feet tall when he stands up on his hind legs. He loves to have his back scratched. Tank’s habitat at Bee City is a large enclosure with places for Tank to stretch out and exercise.

Tank the Tiger can be visited at the Bee City Zoo.